The story begins when Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends celebrate the blue streak becoming the big 2-0. From out of nowhere, a menacing creature kidnaps all of his friends, sending them to parts unknown. Now he must find where his friends have ended up, but this time around, he's going to get some unexpected help... from himself.
Ever since the remade Green Hill Zone seen in Sonic Adventure 2 / SA2 Battle, I kinda figured
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The stages sort of act like the way Zones were broken up in Sonic the Hedgehog 2, consisting of 2 acts per stage. Act 1, which you play as soon as you hit New Game, uses the 2D Platforming style of the Genesis/Mega Drive, while Act 2 plays like his recent adventure titles, going fast on breakneck speed. Every 3 Stages are part of a specific era, each with re-imagined acts for each hedgehog, as well as a few rival and boss fights. Just because you are familiar with them, don't be fooled into thinking you can beat them the exact same way. They are as follows:
- Genesis/Mega Drive Era
- Green Hill (Sonic The Hedgehog [1991])
- Chemical Plant (Sonic The Hedgehog 2)
- Sky Sanctuary (Sonic The Hedgehog & Knuckles)
Rival: Metal Sonic at Stardust Speedway - Bad Future (Sonic the Hedgehog CD)
Boss: Death Egg Robo (Sonic The Hedgehog 2)
- Dreamcast Era
- Speed Highway (Sonic Adventure / SADX: Director's Cut)
- City Escape (Sonic Adventure 2 / SA2: Battle)
- Seaside Hill (Sonic Heroes)
Rival: Shadow the Hedgehog at Final Chase (Sonic Adventure 2 / SA2: Battle)
Boss: Perfect Chaos (Sonic Adventure / SADX: Director's Cut)
- Modern Era
- Crisis City (Sonic The Hedgehog [2006])
- Rooftop Run (Sonic Unleashed)
- Planet Wisp (Sonic Colors)
Rival: Silver the Hedgehog at Crisis City (Sonic The Hedgehog [2006])
Boss: Egg Dragoon (Sonic Unleashed)
Controls and gameplay are alright. Sega and Sonic Team listened to the fans concerns, as they warned players of dangerous areas. From time to time, I still end up flying off, but the problem isn't as bad as fans make it to believe. The game also has a skill system, and though you can't upgrade the skill points you can use, you can buy new ones with points gathered in game, and you're given 5 slots for both Sonic versions, so you can customize them to play your way. Voices heard are the same ones spotted in Sonic Free Riders, Sonic Colors, and Sonic Rivals 2, with even Classic Tails getting a voice (but not Classic Sonic, unsurprisingly...) Another bonus is that if it was pre-ordered ahead of time, you would get a minigame stage made from Sonic The Hedgehog 2's Casino Night Zone. But as an actual stage, the 3DS port features this, along with other stages from other games. Boss and Rival battles have been redone to fit the current gameplay in the console port (with the exception of Metal, who you must actually defeat this time), while the 3DS port follows a play style for the battles similar to Sonic Rivals. The 3DS version also features different bosses, which I'll review in the future.
Sonic has had quirks over the years, but this is a good way to relive those 20 years of supersonic speed. Sonic Generations scores: as a Sonic game, a perfect 10, but as a game in general, a 8 of 10. Long live the speed of the spiky blue hog with attitude!
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